Chemergy builds solutions to solve our environmental and energy challenges. We are commercializing HyBrTec to convert wet organic and plastic wastes into green hydrogen. Thereby eliminating the environmental and economic consequences of the waste by converting it into a clean future-proof fuel.
Biosolids are an increasing burden to communities and Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) which pay significantly for disposal. Awareness of metals, pathogens and persistent chemicals in biosolids increases pressure on finding safe uses for this material. Other wastes are a recurring disposal cost to municipal solid waste sites, confined area feeding operations and agricultural interests.
Concerns over climate change and energy security are driving a shift to carbon neutral energy sourced form local resources. Hydrogen is a promising clean fuel, but green hydrogen requires advances to reduce its production cost and make it available in a distributed manner to accelerate its use.
Adoption of intermittent wind and solar causes supply variability that requires back up with flexible generation, energy storage and active demand side management to ensure the grid is balanced. Critical infrastructure also requires a reliable backup power supply that is now met with diesel generators.
Convert wastes into
Less expensive than
fossil hydrogen
Reduces transport costs
and environmental impact
Integral to sustainable
circular economy
We are now demonstrating our process to validate performance and prepare for manufacturing. Chemergy will own and operate its equipment “over-the-fence” to capture the added value of its process and avoid lengthy acquisition procedures.
P.O. BOX 330985 MIAMI, FL 33233